University of Arkansas

Topology Seminar Fall 2019

The seminar meets on Thursdays, at 9:30 AM in SCEN 322. Expository, educational and research talks are welcomed! Currently we have the following schedule. The titles link to abstracts. Other topology minded events are noted. For more information or questions contact Matt Clay.

Date and Time Speaker Title
8/29 No Seminar: Organizational Meeting
9/5 No Seminar
9/12 Matthew Day Calculating the virtual cohomological dimension of the automorphism group of a right-angled Artin group I
9/19 Matthew Day Calculating the virtual cohomological dimension of the automorphism group of a right-angled Artin group II
9/26 Derrick Wigglesworth The Farrell-Jones Conjecture for free-by-cyclic groups
10/3 Jean-Pierre Mutanguha The irreducibility of monodromy is a mapping torus invariant
10/10 Nickolas Castro Relative L–invariant for compact 4–manifolds I
10/17 Minh Nguyen U(n) Seiberg–Witten equations and transversality
10/24 Nickolas Castro Relative L–invariant for compact 4–manifolds II
10/31 Rachel Lehman Obtaining a good 3–orbifold from a bad 3–orbifold
11/8: 4:00 PM Richard Schwartz (Brown) The spheres in SOL **NOTE** Colloquium at 3:00 PM
11/14 James Farre (Yale) Infinite volume and bounded cohomology
11/21 Gabriel Islambouli (Waterloo) Smooth 4–manifolds and the pants complex **NOTE** Fall Redbud Topology Conference 11/23 at OSU
11/28 No Seminar: Thanksgiving Holiday
12/5 Edgar Bering IV (Temple) Special covers of alternating links
12/12 No Seminar

Previous Semesters